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The Miracle in Plant Leaves


The theory of evolution, as you know, claims that living things and the complex structures and systems within them came into being spontaneously, under natural conditions. Yet as we have clearly shown up to now, the photosynthetic systems inside even a single plant leaf possess an exceedingly complex design. It is therefore impossible for coincidences to bring these into being, as evolutionists would have us believe.

They do not measure Allah with His true measure. Allah is All-Strong, Almighty. 
(Surat al-Hajj:74)
To show this system could not have come about by chance, let us ask some questions of those who insist on defending the theory of evolution. Who designed this incomparable mechanism established in a microscopically small area? Can we assume that unconscious plant cells, in other words plants, planned such a system themselves? We cannot, of course, hypothesize any such thing, because there is no question of plant cells reasoning or designing anything. It is not the cell itself that makes the flawless system we see when we examine it under a microscope. Then is this system the product of human intelligence, of the only entity capable of rational thought? No human being has constructed the world’s most complex facilities in a space one thousandth of a cubic millimeter. Human beings cannot even observe what goes on inside these microscopic facilities.
The theory of evolution maintains that all living things developed in progressive stages, from the simple to the complex. To consider whether that claim is true, assume that we can impose a specific number on the components in the photosynthesis process. Assume that the number of components necessary for photosynthesis to take place is 100 (though the actual number is very much larger). Also, assume that one or two of these components did arise spontaneously, in the way that evolutionists claim, ignoring that such an event is quite impossible. There will be a necessary wait of several billions of years for the remaining components to emerge. Yet even if the components that finally emerge remain together, they can still serve no purpose in the absence of all the other parts. It is impossible for this system to emerge in stages, since its components will serve no purpose if any one is absent. Like the systems belonging to all living things, therefore, the idea that a complex system like photosynthesis came into being over time, with the gradual addition of its component parts, is incompatible with reason and logic.
To see how hopeless this claim is, recall just some of the stages that take place in order for photosynthesis to occur. All the existing enzymes and systems have to be present in the plant cell at the same time. The duration of each process and the quantity of enzymes have to be regulated in the correct manner from the beginning. That is because if the slightest error takes place—for example, the duration of the reaction, or the slightest alteration in the amount of light or raw material entering the reaction—products resulting from that reaction will be damaged and rendered useless. In the absence of any one of these elements, the system will cease to function.
That being the case, how did these functionless components survived until the emergence of the system as a whole came into being? Moreover, the smaller the dimensions involved, the greater the quality of the intelligence and engineering that system requires. As with laptops and cell phones, the shrinking of a mechanism’s dimensions shows the sophistication of the technology used to create that structure. Comparing the bulky cameras used in the 19th century with today’s cameras only enhances the importance of the immaculate structure in leaves. How is it that, human beings cannot perform photosynthesis in large factories, but plants have beens carrying it out in microscopic ones for millions of years?

The reduction in size of any device shows that the technology employed for that device has reached a more advanced stage. The size of cameras past and present is one example of this. The process of photosynthesis, which human beings cannot perform even in laboratories, is compressed into such a microscopic structure as a cell—one of the manifestations of Allah’s infinite might and the sublimity in His creation.
Evolutionists can give no coherent answers to these and similar questions, but come up with imaginary scenarios instead. They resort to the common tactic of drowning their scenarios in baffling technical descriptions. Using the most opaque terminology possible, they seek to evade the Fact of Creation, which is plain to see in all living things. Instead of responding to such questions as “How?” and “Why?” they hide behind detailed information and technical concepts and then hastily add that all this is a result of evolution.
However, even many of the determined proponents of evolution cannot conceal their amazement in the face of the miraculous systems in plants. By emphasizing the miraculous processes in photosynthesis, the Turkish evolutionist professor Ali Demirsoy makes the following admission:
Photosynthesis is a quite complex mechanism, and it seems impossible to occur in an organelle in the cell. Because the formation of all the phases altogether is impossible, and it is meaningless for them to emerge one by one.
Flawless mechanisms in the photosynthesis process have existed in all the plant cells there have ever existed. Even the most ordinary pond scum makes photosynthesis. The same proportions of carbon dioxide and water always enters the reaction and the products emerging are also always the same. Also, the sequence and speed of the reaction never vary. This applies, without exception, to all plants that employ photosynthesis.
It is of course illogical to seek to ascribe reason and decision-making to plants. It is equally illogical to say that this system, which exists in all green plants and works so flawlessly, came into being as the result of a chain of coincidences.
We are therefore faced with a manifest truth: The extraordinarily complex mechanics of photosynthesis have existed since plants first appeared. These immaculate systems inside such a tiny space show the knowledge and might of Almighty Allah, Who created them.

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